Appolinaire Zagabe is an Environmentalist, human rights activist,

img1 Appolinaire earned his Master’s degree of Laws in Public International Law from Kampala International University in Uganda. img2He has taken many other courses, including those concentrating on Environment and Climate change, leadership Furthermore, ZAGABE has significant experience at United Nations Model Conferences, as well as conflict resolution skills, human rights advocacy training, and alternative dispute resolution education and Diplomacy after various courses and trainings from some of the World Best Universities including the University of Born in Germany, the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, the University of Leuven in Belgium together with the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Italy in Rome.

Mr. ZAGABE K. Appolinaire as the Climate Change champion.

Since 2011 from the first Youth conference organized And by COMESA to start the COMESA Youth Alliance in Lilongwe ,Malawi, Mr.Zagabe noticed how important his implication in fighting the effects of the climate change would impact positively to the change of Africa in general and in particular the Democratic Republic of Congo, Since then Mr. ZAGABE got full engaged in changing lives of thousands of Congolese by initiating various projects related to improving and promoting a safe environment and food security.img4

To make it happen ,Mr. ZAGABE stated in 2011 later after the Lolongwe conference a Youth Network on Climate Change called : National Congolese Youth Coalition on Climate Change (Coalition Nationale de la Jeunesse Congolaise sur le Changement Climatique,CNJCCC , additionally to integrate all in participating in the fight against the Clinate Change effect and to involve all civil society Organisation, in 2013 it was Launched the DR.Congo Climate Change Network( Reseau Sur le Changement Climatique RDC, RCCRDC) under the support of PACJA, visit the launch on Youtube at : ,

Today, the RCCRDC has become the leading network of Civial society Organisations involed in Environment and Climate Change.

The DR.Congo Climate Change Network/ Reseau sur le Changement Climatique- DR.Congo, is the outstanding existing network of Civil Society organisations involved to promote green environment and fight the Climate Change in the Democratic Republic of Congo,

Created in June, 2013, Launched in Goma, North Kivu Province-Estern Congo trough the support of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) and rapidly received membership interest from many civil Society organizations and now counting more than 30 organizations across the country. For more information about the launch, visit the Youtube link at :

Since 5th June ,2013, the RCCRDC has accomplished a great work withing the country and the region in general, Since its launch the Network on Climate Change in the DRC in June 2013, the structure has made huge awareness and distribution of agro-forest trees seedlings in strengthening the fight against climate change in the country in particular and the world in general as advocated by the policy of the DRC government with the REDD + program.

The DRC Climate Change Network is dedicated to bring change by promoting a safe environment in Africa and in DR.Congo in particular.

Contact:  Mr. ZAGABE KAMANYULA Appolinaire
The executive Director /DRC- Climate Change Network
Email: ,, 

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