PACJA : Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance/ Alliance Panafricaine pour la Justice Climatique : est une Plate Forme Continentale des Organisations de la Société œuvrant sur le continent Africain en matière de l’environnement et la Justice Climatique dont le siège se trouve au Kenya- Nairobi.
Le RCCRD.Congo est considéré comme représentation officielle de PACJA en RD.Congo (DR.Congo Chapter)
About PACJA as RCCRDC in DR.Congo
We are a consortium of more than 1000 organisations from 48 African countries that brings together a diverse membership drawn from Grassroots, Community-based organizations, Faith-based Organizations, Non-Governmental organizations, Trusts, Foundations, Indigenous Communities, Farmers and Pastoralist Groups with a shared vision to advance a people-centered, right-based, just and inclusive approach to address climate and environmental challenges facing humanity and the planet.
PACJA’s tremendous growth of membership and mandate has necessitated a rethink of its governance, which seeks to accord more role to its base at sub-national/national level, through establishment of National Platforms that will henceforth serve as Pillars of action in countries and sub-national levels. This is consistent with the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030, which underscores the role of people and local communities in the achievement of their stated goals.
A robust, bottom-up approach which strengthens the voices of those at the frontline of the climate crisis – smallholder farmers, pastoralist communities, rural women, fisherfolk, forest communities, Small and micro, social enterprises (SMEs), people living with disabilities, the aged, etc. – who form the bedrock of PACJA membership, informs the Alliance interventions at all levels. In light of this, PACJA’s current strategic focus aims at building strong National/Sub-national Platforms with well-defined criteria which emphasizes mandatory consideration of sectoral, language and territorial diversity in their membership and governance.
Currently, PACJA is implementing a variety of Projects that traverse direct programming, policy and advocacy, sub-granting and capacity building, mainly focusing on the most vulnerable groups which are “unreachable” in traditional development paradigms. The Alliance plays a central role in key African processes spearheaded by African Union, UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and African Development Bank (AfDB), among them, the flagship Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev) Programme.
The Alliance also supports several governments through its national Platforms, in addition to other key actors such as media, parliamentarians and sector-based networks through targeted and dedicated initiatives tailor-made for respective stakeholders groups. PACJA is successfully implementing a 10-country sub-grant Project supported by the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), which aims to build capacity of forest communities on REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Forest Degradation and Deforestation in Developing Countries). It’s also receiving another stream of funding to sub-grant communities in various countries, including Kenya, to mobilize and strengthen networking for resilience building and adaptation to climate change impacts.
Among other key Sectoral and thematic initiatives catalyzed, facilitated and supported by PACJA include the African Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access (ACSEA), United Cities and Local Government Africa (UCLG-Africa) taskforce on Climate Change, African Climate Legislation Initiative (ACLI), Pan African Media Alliance on Climate Change (PAMACC), the Pentagonal Consortium on Agenda 2030 and the African Working Group on gender and Climate Change (AWGGCC). The Alliance has forged collaborations with like-minded governmental and non-governmental partners in both North and South to establish initiatives to advance their shared vision in international development discourses, and particularly in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and UN’s Agenda 2030..
To support its activities, PACJA’s main financial funding is provided by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the World Bank. Other partners, such as German’s GIZ and UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) supports specific Projects and Initiatives directly or through intermediaries. Oxfam International, Christian Aid, Trocaire, Open Society Foundations, Diakonia, and SNV also work with PACJA in specific sector-based Projects, campaigns and initiatives at in Counties, national or regional levels.
PACJA’s visibility and transformational story in Africa rests on its theory of change, premised on the belief that the realization of environmental and climate justice – and the relevant human rights provisions that such justice affirms – will only be achieved if governments recognize these rights to justice and respond with necessary policies, resources and action to meet the needs and aspirations of their citizens with respect to environmental threats and opportunities.
The capacity of citizens to articulate such needs and aspirations, and their access to decision-making processes, is too often constrained by lack of knowledge and restrictive government procedures and modalities. Effective community participation and intervention can bridge these constraints by amplifying the voice of citizens to their governments.
1. Wise use
We believe in the wise of natural resources so they continue to function effectively in serving the present and future generations
2. Equitable use
All people are equitably entitled to the values and benefits of our natural resources. Use of natural resources should be done in a manner that optimizs the values and benefits of the current and future generations
3. Unity of purpose
We have all come together because we are concerned about the state of our planet and natural resources, and we would like to secure the values of natural resources to nature and people
4. Courage and Determination
Most of our owrk involves protecting natural resources against miuse by powerful people and corporations. This can be dangerous and physically and emotionally draining. We however have the courage and determination to succeed
5. Professionalism
We discharge our duties diligently and in line with nationally nad internationally recognized ethical and professional standards
How we work
PACJA uses an approach that integrates research, advocacy, partnerships development, capacity building and awareness creation to successfully deliver its strategic mandate,
Advocacy comprises the core business of PACJA. The Alliance undertakes evidence-based advocacy aimed at improving the policy and laws on natural resources management. The research work that PACJA supports, the partnerships it develops and the capacities it strengthens are all supportive of the advocacy function.
Local communities that are key custodians of natural resources remain vulnerable to climate change, have low adaptive capacity and lack sufficient capacity in the sustainable management of natural resources. PACJA mobilizes and coordinates capacity-building efforts targeting the community and other key stakeholders.
PACJA recognizes the knowledge and information gap in society about climate change, larger environmental and natural resources values and threats. PACJA uses a comprehensive knowledge management approach in creating awareness on effective climate/environmental threat coping mechanism and wise use of natural resources.
PACJA supports and facilitates research to generate new information and knowledge that is both used internally to support climate resilience-building, natural resources management, making the same available to other stakeholders for use in a variety of ways.
PACJA recognizes the importance of developing and sustaining strategic partnerships. The Alliance continues to identify and strengthen partnerships with a variety of stakeholders ranging from small community support groups, religious organizations, civil society organizations, private businesses, government institutions and international networks.
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