Réseau sur le Changement Climatique RDC/ DRC Climate Change Network (RCCRDC) PACJA-Pan African Climate Justice Alliance ,RDC Chapter, est une coalition nationale des organisations de la société civile et autochtones (indigènes) sur en République Démocratique du Congo, réunis par objectif commun de promouvoir et plaider pour le développement du climat et à base d’actions. Puisant son adhésion à des organisations non gouvernementales, des fondations, des fiducies, des organisations communautaires, réseaux confessionnels, les coalitions nationales; RCCRDC vise à unifier les efforts isolés de la société civile et autochtones sur le changement climatique plaidoyer et de coordination en RDC, de manière à assurer que les pro-pauvres et centré sur les personnes des mesures d’intervention sont mis en examen en tant que gouvernements de la RDC cherche à intégrer le changement climatique dans les stratégies nationales de développement.
Dans la poursuite de son mandat, RCCRDC collabore et encourage des alliances stratégiques avec des partenaires internationaux, des gouvernement, des institutions nationaux ou régionaux ainsi que des individus qui partagent ses aspirations, faire en sorte que la voix congolaise et africaine sont amplifiées dans les processus internationaux de dialogue sur le changement climatique. Le RCCRDC travaille avec des partenaires aux vues similaires en provenance des Pays développés et Sous-développés, afin d’assurer que le cadre résultante accepté par la communauté des nations après la conclusion de la, encore acrimonieux processus du changement climatique de dialogue international en cours est non seulement équitable, mais aussi un produit de vastes consultations, en réponse au besoin des communautés vulnérables.
Pour toute question ou recommendations, priere de nous envoyer un email au info@rccrdc.org, info.rccrdc@gmail.com
The DR.Congo Climate Change Network/ Reseau sur le Changement Climatique RDC is the main Leading Civil Society and Indigenous organisations Network in the Democratic Republic of Congo adressing the issues related to Climate change,
The DRC Climate Change Network (RCCRDC) is the official representation of the Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Mission, Vision & Objectives
To develop and promote pro-poor development and equity based positions relevant for Congo and Africa in the National, Regional and International climate change dialogue and related processes.
A global environment free from the threat of climate change with sustainable development, equity and justice for all.
RCCRDC aims to be an effective Congolese CSO’s platform, and Chapter of the Continental Climate Justice Alliance( Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance) in Congo with the aim to share information, strategize jointly, coordinate engagement with Congolese and African governments and other relevant stakeholders, and advocate for fairness and justice in international climate change and sustainable development processes in order to adequately protect the climate while safeguarding human rights and pro-poor development and intervene in the implementation of strategies, activities as response to the effect of Climate Change
Strategic objectives include:
- To maintain liaison and facilitation, whether by meetings, correspondence or otherwise with member organizations, and international partners, and to encourage and promote climate-related development initiatives that benefit the members and stakeholders.
- To mobilize and build capacity of stakeholders by offering technical assistance including training and finding out the effectiveness, needs , ways and means of improving the profile of the members, networks and affiliate organizations.
- To improve coordination and information dissemination with Congolese and African stakeholders around networks around the climate justice.
- To help formulate and promote a strong pro-poor development position to enable African governments and negotiators to effectively articulate and represent the African voice, concerns and perspectives.
- To share advocacy and campaigning experience and coordinate with other like-minded southern networks.
- To team up expertise, support, engage in, conduct and foster research and investigations into climate change and its impact on communities.
- To promote of assist in promotion of any individual Organizations’ or Associations’ activities affiliated to or having similar objects as RCCRDC (full) or objectives intended directly or indirectly to benefit the Alliance.
- Implement key activities as response to Climate Change effects.
- Transparency and accountability
- Integrity
- Volunteerism and self help
- Gender responsiveness and Inclusiveness
- Professionalism
- Fairness and Justice
- Participatory democracy